Custom package example

From LFScript
Revision as of 00:30, 1 February 2012 by Marcel (talk | contribs)

This is a sample layout which you must use if you are contributing a custom script. Note that this layout is roughly the same as used in BLFS, however because the page will be imported in LFScript through ScriptFactory it is important that you follow the style set here exactly.

If for any reason, your page causes problems with ScriptFactory, it will be marked as unusable until YOU fix the problem.


MD5 Checksums

9244091002a9d52e91fca0b1f3818ab9  sourcecode-1.0.tar.xz
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  sourcecode-1.0_fix.patch


If your software requires any pre-installation (like adding special users or groups), you must specify it here.

useradd -m sampleUser